Shortcut Browser Notifications

Chrome notifications in Clubhouse

Shortcut supports browser notification in Google Chrome, Safari, and Firefox. If you have notifications enabled in these browsers, any time your Shortcut user name is mentioned in a Story comment or Epic discussion you will receive a browser notification.

Enabling Browser Notifications 

Enabling notifications can be done in the Settings or Preferences section of your Browser of choice:

Chrome Firefox Safari

Settings > Security and Privacy > Site Settings > Notifications > Choose a notification option 

Clicking Browser Notifications

When you receive a browser notification from Shortcut, clicking it will take you to the Story or Epic comment where you were mentioned in a new tab of your web browser.

Browser Notifications in Clubhouse

If you do not wish to click on your notification, the notification will dismiss itself in a few seconds if you are using Safari or Firefox. In Chrome, the notification can be dismissed by clicking the "x" in the upper right hand corner of the notification. 



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