Shortcut provides several ways to quickly find particular Stories in your Organization. You can find the Search page by selecting the Search box at the top of the UI and choosing the "Advanced Story Search" option.
You can also use Search criteria in the Search box and open the Search page with the results of that Search.
Search Results
While you can search for Stories using the defined Search Operators, you can also use keywords and phrases by using the Search bar on the page. The Search results currently include any matches on Story Titles and/or description, and are shown in order of relevance. (Note: Sorting is not yet supported.)
The "Load More Results" button will show you more Stories.
To clear the search bar and results, click the x within the Search bar.
Using Search Operators
You can use search operators to further narrow your search results. By default, all queries will use `AND` when combining multiple operators. `OR` searches are not yet supported.
In the example below, if you typed in type:bug is:unstarted, it would yield results for Stories that are a Bug type and is in an Unstarted State.
To find Stories within those results also associated with the Support Team, we'd append team:support to the Search criteria.
For more detailed information about Search Operator usage and definitions, check out our article: Searching in Shortcut
You can also see our basic search operators on the bottom of the Search page: