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The Slack Integration (with Slack Actions)

Synced Slack threads are now supported! You may need to update the integration in order to access this sync feature (i.e. the "link/unlink thread" message action). For further details, take a look at the Synced Slack Threads section below.

If you have any additional questions or feedback, don't hesitate to get in touch with us here.

When you enable the Shortcut to Slack integration in your Slack Workspace:

  • Any Shortcut Story link you post in any channel in your Slack Workspace will unfurl with Story details (except for the story description).

  • You can use a Slack Action to create a Story from any message in any of your Channels in your Slack Workspace

  • You can broadcast Shortcut Story comments and Story additions from specific Custom Field Values or Teams to a designated Slack channel (story descriptions do unfurl for these)

  • Receive @-mention notifications as Slack DMs

Note: In order to enable or update this integration, you must be an Admin in Shortcut

Enabling Slack Integration:

Click the Settings gear in the top right corner, navigate to Integrations, and select Slack.

Please note that the integration is a 1:1 connection at this time. This means multiple Shortcut Workspaces cannot be connected with a single Slack Workspace and multiple Slack workspaces cannot be connected to a single Shortcut workspace.



Click on the Add to Slack button to install the Shortcut app to the Slack Workspace of your choice. Once authorized, you'll be redirected back to the Slack integration page where you can link a Team or Custom Field Value to a Slack channel.

Now all you'll need to do is select a channel for notifications to be posted in.



You should now be all set up! 

Shortcut Comments and Story Activity 

Shortcut comments and Story additions will now drop into the selected channel attributed to the Shortcut Bot.



Connect a Team or Custom Field Value with a Slack Channel

Connecting a Team or Custom Field Value with a Slack Channel is a great way to ensure your squad stays up to date with what is happening in Shortcut. 

To set this up go to the profile icon in Shortcut and then Integrations. From the Slack integration page scroll down to Link Team/Link a Field Value to Slack Channel. Here you can Link a Team or Value and then Select a Slack Channel. Now you will get updates on comments and Story additions from specific Teams or Values to designated Slack channels.



All set! Now, you'll be able to ask a colleague to @mention you (or a Team you're in) to test this out. Enjoy!


Create Shortcut Story from Slack Message or Command

In addition to notifications about Shortcut comments and Story additions, you can also create a Shortcut Story from within Slack using the Actions feature and see Story link unfurling in channels when the Slack integration is installed. Stories created from within Slack do unfurl to show the description, unlike Stories that were simply pasted in Slack.

You can create a story on it's own in a slack channel using the command /shortcut create.


Synced Slack Threads

You can seamlessly sync comments between Slack and Shortcut, so teams don't lose important context or conversations.

Once you make the connection, the existing comments in Slack will be copied over as comments in Shortcut with links back to Slack. The syncing is bi-directional, so any comments you add to the Story in Shortcut will also appear in Slack.


Linking Threads between Shortcut and Slack

Link any Slack thread to a Shortcut Story via the message actions in Slack. 

  • Select link/unlink thread
  • Search for the Story you want to connect to
  • The existing comments in Slack will be copied over as comments in Shortcut with links back to Slack.

Syncing a Slack Thread

Unlinking comments
You can remove the connection if you choose to via the link/unlink message action in Slack, or via the parent comment in Shortcut.

Unsyncing a Slack Thread

Personal Slack Notifications

Personal Slack notifications allow you to receive a notification from the "Shortcut" app if you (or a Team you're a part of) are @-mentioned within a Shortcut story description or comment, or Epic description or comment. These personal Slack messages can be responded to in-thread to push a comment to the Story in Shortcut (and emoji reacts work, too 👍). You can't currently @-mention yourself for Slack notifications.

To enable these, you'll first need to make sure you've followed the above instructions for updating your Integration. 

Head to your Shortcut Settings once your Slack Integration has been updated and look for Notification Settings. Look for the section that now shows Slack Notifications: 

Hit "Sign in with Slack" to authorize the newest version of the code if you have not upgraded the Slack integration yet. 

Once the integration has been updated, you should now see the ability to toggle these personal Slack notifications on and off as you please:


Updating the Slack Integration

If you've already installed the Slack integration but are using an older version of it, you'll see a blue alert message inviting you to re-authorize the Slack integration in Shortcut. Click on "To enable them, we need your authorization" to update the integration to the latest version available.


You'll be asked to review the permissions Shortcut and Slack will need to work together (you can see a longer explanation of each permission by clicking on the arrow next to it). Once you're ready, click Authorize.

Screenshot 2024-06-11 at 3.45.00 PM.png


After you've authorized the permissions, you'll be taken back to the Slack integration page in Shortcut, where you'll see a green "Slack integration saved" success message.


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