Shortcut Labels and the Labels Page

Labels are a way to associate Stories and Epics. You can filter against Labels throughout various Shortcut views and search for Stories that carry them in the Stories filter section and on the Search page.

Stories in an Epic with a Label will display the Epic's Label in a distinct area on the Story card. 

Creating and Editing Labels

You can create Labels on the Label page, by clicking the Create Label button at the top of the screen or you can create a Label in any of the Epic or Story Label areas. 

Once a Label is created, it can be used on any Story or Epic. 

Labels can be edited, archived, or deleted from the Labels page.


To delete or archive a Label, click the gear ellipsis icon next to the Label you would like to delete or archive. This will produce a dropdown menu with options to Archive or Delete.

Archiving Labels in Clubhouse

If you choose to archive a Label, the Label will appear on the Labels page in grey italics with the word "Archived" next to it. Archived and deleted Labels will no longer appear among the choices of Labels in the drop-down menu when applying a Label to a Story, but archived Labels will not be removed from any Stories with that Label. 

Viewing and Sorting Labels in Shortcut

Labels have a yellow dot by default in Shortcut, but you can assign a different color on creation or by visiting the Labels page. 

In addition to viewing Labels on the Stories page, you can also view more information on the Labels Page. 

Tracking Progress Against Labels

The Labels page will also surface progress across all Stories and Epics where that Label has been used.

Clicking on the Label will bring you to the Individual Label Page

For more information on Epic Labels please refer to our linked documentation. 


Want to see Labels in action? Explore our Sample Workspace, which contains pre-filled information that will allow you to see how it all works together. Access it by clicking on your User Icon on top right > Help / Feedback > Sample Workspace.




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