Filtering the Stories Page

Below is a review of the functionality shown on the new Stories page. If seeking information regarding the legacy Stories page, see the section at the bottom of this documentation or reach out to us at


Add Filters, Remove Filters at the top of the Page

Select your filter type by clicking "Add Filter" from the dropdown menu >> select your values in the filter pill

To remove filter types, click the "x" to remove the pill, to remove specific values, click into the filter type and de-select the values in the drop-down

Filter Operators, Quick Filters

Filter Type Function
Filter Category Multi-Select, Select the filter category to filter specific values within that category
Operators Select "is any" to show all stories that meet that criteria, Select "is not any" to show the inverse of the selection
Quick Filter (Boolean) True/False, Filter values 
Search Filter String, Filter Stories by search term (formerly Keyword filter)


Quick Show/Hide Filters

You can enable/disable filters you have added to your space. You can save the setting to your Space if you want your teammates to have the same view! 

TIP: Add Individual Owner or Requestor Filters to individually toggle on/off during team stand-ups!

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Add "Matches Any" Group

You can add a "Matches Any" group in addition to the default "Matches All" group of filters. Filters added in the "Matches Any" group ("Or") will show all stories that meet any of the selected filter values.

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Tip: User the "Matches Any" group to filter your view by multiple owners and run team meetings (like Stand Up) in one Space!

Screenshot 2024-03-04 at 9.56.19 AM.png

Legacy Stories Page

  • Standard Filters

    Standard filters in Shortcut are all entity items the Story page can be filtered by. This includes things like Teams, Iterations, Epics, and Custom Fields. Selections of these can be made by expanding the available filters dropdown and clicking on their respective checkbox.



    To select just one, you can hover over it and select Only from the context menu.


    To show or hide all items in a section, click the drop-down next to the section name and click All or None


    By default, Shortcut will only display unfinished Epics in an expanded view.  To change the list of visible Epics on the Stories page click the three dots by hovering over the Epics section:


    Quick Filters

    Quick filters are filters not based on entities such as Teams or Epics, but rather keywords, labels, workstreams, etc. These quick filters can be mixed and matched and used in conjunction with the Standard filters.

    Click Add Quick Filters to get started: 


    You can filter across many different fields and attributes:


    Filter Logic

    You can change between using `AND` based filters or `OR` based filters after you've chosen your first quick filter.


    Exclude Filters

    If you wish to exclude a term or filter from affecting the board, locate the filter and then hover over it and select "Inverse"; you will then only be presented with Stories that exclude that filter. 



    Once you create a filtered view that you know you'll want to return to, you can save it as a Space. For more on Spaces, see: What Are Spaces


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