Create goals, align Teams, and connect individual projects to company objectives. Now, not only can you roll up work across multiple teams in a tactical way using Objectives, but you can begin to track outcomes and impact using key results.
Manage end-to-end planning cycles with new capabilities to track company Objectives directly in Shortcut and align the work teams are doing to directly impact those goals.
Summary Highlights:
- You'll now see Milestones be referenced as Objectives across Shortcut
Two objective types: Tactical and Strategic.
- All existing previous Milestones have been converted to Tactical Objectives, for planning more release-based, Epic-driven work.
- Strategic Objectives introduces a new Key Result functionality that allows you to track outcomes and targets, aligning Epics either directly to the Objective or a Key Result
- Assign Owners and Teams directly to Objectives
- Assign an Epic to more than one Objective (previously limited to 1 Milestone)
- New UI for the detail/management page that gives first-class treatment to Objectives to differentiate them and elevate their purpose in Shortcut
Tactical Objectives are available to all Organizations, however, Strategic Objectives are available on our Business and Enterprise Plans only.
Objective Creation
During creation, you can now choose whether to create Epic-driven, Tactical Objectives or outcome-driven, Strategic Objectives. Each option will prompt you through the next steps to align Epics, create KRs, assign the appropriate entities, etc.
With both types of Objectives during creation you can:
- Assign Start/Target Dates and review the timeline to the target date.
- Add a description (This is text-only currently; in an upcoming update Markdown will be supported)
- Assign a state (By default, this is
To Do
) - Add a Team
- Add existing categories.
- Align Epics directly to the Objective.
- Create Key Results to monitor targets and outcomes. Set the Starting and Target values to begin tracking post-creation. Three options exist for tracking:
- Booleans (Incomplete/Complete)
- Numbers
- Percentages
- Epics can be aligned to KRs during creation, or directly to the Objective on the detail page after creation
The Column View
The Column View is a high-level overview of all Tactical and Strategic Objectives, their associated key results and Epics, teams, owners, and more! Leverage the Column View for a snapshot of status and progress, expand key results to review Epic Health and status, and more.
Similar to the table view, the Column View can be filtered by the same filters for focusing on blockers, progress, or team-based views. Use the top right toggle to get back to the table view.
Selecting an Objective card will take you to the Objective Detail page.
The Table View
The table view is a great way to group and filter Objectives to monitor progress, identify goals on and off target, and keep track of work at a high level. Organize the tableview using the new Group By option which currently supports grouping by Type
, State
, or Category
By default, all previous Milestones will still be shown in their order ranking.
Getting started you'll see a subset of columns to focus the experience but can use the Display
option to toggle on the columns most important to you. The Display
setting can be found on the top-right of the UI:
Quickly review Objective details using the hover popups
Keep the Epic and KR progress columns toggled on to quickly hover over to see:
- Specific KR progress and when they were last updated
- More about the Epics' progress and Health for Epics associated with the Objective.
The Objective Detail Page
The refreshed detail page is your go-to for all Objective details. Similar to formats you're familiar with in Shortcut, on the right sidebar you'll see details such as state, start/target dates, assigned teams and owners, and categories.
Progress Summary:
- Key result progress (for Strategic Objectives only)
- Epic Progress (total of all progress across all unique Epics assigned to the Objective)
- Target date with time remaining.
-> Tactical Objectives
All previous Milestones are now Tactical Objectives. They're best for capturing themes of work delivery and will show Epics only. Objectives will remain tactical as long as they do not have a Key Result created on them.
Additional details:
- Elevate a Tactical Objective to a Strategic Objective at any time via the
Create Key Result
option. - Click the 🔎 or the Epic name to view the Epic Detail page.
-> Strategic Objectives
Objectives that have Key Result targets are referenced as Strategic Objectives.
Additional details:
- Epics can be aligned to a Key result at any time via the 🔎 next to the progress
- You can add an Epic to the Objective directly using the
Add or create Epics +
option and drag-and-drop that Epic into a Key Result directly.
Strategic Objectives can have many variations as seen below:
- With Key Results only to track outcomes and targets
- Best for tracking core KPIs or team targets
- With Key Results that have Epics aligned to them
- Best for tracking outcomes related to work happening in Shortcut
- Epics can be associated to the Objective, not under a Key Result
- Best for aligning key strategic projects that are more completion-based.
Updating Strategic Objectives
Key Results can be updated in-line directly on the page by clicking into the Current
or Target
fields. You can also click the 🔎 to access the Key Result modal at any time to align Epics or update the Current
and Target
fields. Starting
once created, is un-editable.
The Key Result modal is also where you can delete a no longer needed Key Result. This can also be achieved through the ...
management actions on the row directly.
Objective Categories
Objective Categories allow you to group Objectives together thematically, and filter by Category on the Objectives page. For further details, please see our Help Center documentation for Objective Categories
View Objectives on the Roadmap
The Milestones
column is now Objectives
and displays all connected Objectives to an Epic, not just one!