Learn best practices for monitoring the progress of your team's Iterations.
When monitoring progress, there are different stages and levels to consider. Let's start with the Iteration level, also known as a 'Sprint.' An iteration typically spans two weeks, during which a team focuses on completing a set number of Stories. Monitoring progress during an iteration involves examining each Story in detail.
Engineering managers are responsible for delivering the work within the iteration, while product managers help prioritize tasks and determine the business investment required for each solution. Monitoring at the Story level ensures that the team is focused on building the most valuable work for the business at that moment.
Iteration Space
The best way to stay on top of Iterations is to create a saved Space on the Stories page. Filter by Team to make sure you are seeing the Stories assigned to your Team. Next, filter by Started Iterations. This filter is a bit like magic, it automatically shows the Iterations that are in progress, so from Iteration to Iteration, this Space won't need to be manually updated, it will stay up-to-date with the current Iteration.
Iteration Detail Page
Another way to check-in on the status of your Iteration is using the Iteration detail page. You can access your Team's Iteration by navigating to your Team's Iteration page, then selecting your current active Iteration.
This is where you can view reporting such as burn-down and cycle time for your iteration, as well as the breakdown of stories.
We recommend grouping Stories by State, Owner, or Epic, to check the status of your work.