The Organizations and Workspaces Dashboard provides an overview of all of the Shortcut Organizations associated with your user account. Under each Organization, you'll see its Workspaces. You can access this page by selecting the logo or icon in the top left corner, and then selecting View All.
You'll also find information about each Workspace, such as: its status (active or disabled), if it is your default Workspace (or can be set as default), its Shortcut URL, your role, your primary email address for that Workspace, and when it was created. You can go to any Workspace from this page by clicking on the View Workspace button.
To change the order of the Organizations or Workspaces on this page, click and hold the crossed arrow icon in the upper right corners of the Organization or Workspace, and then drag and drop the Organization or Workspace into a new position.
If you are an Owner or an Admin of the Organization, you can manage its user membership and roles, disable its Workspaces, see the number of billable users and invitations, and other administrative tasks by clicking Manage Organization and Workspace.
Notes on Owner & Admin Roles:
- Owner: If you promote a user to Owner in an Organization with more than one Workspace, the user will be promoted as Owner to All Workspaces in the Organization (even if they were not previously invited to these Workspaces)
- Admin: Alternatively, if you promote a user to an Admin of a single Workspace in an Organization, they are only an Admin of that Workspace.
You can also add a new Workspace to an existing Organization (if you're an Owner or Admin of that Organization) or create an entirely new Organization. To add a Workspace under an existing Organization, by selecting Add Workspace to Organization.
Free plan accounts only have access to one (1) Workspace for the entire organization. For access to additional Workspaces, please consider upgrading to a paid plan.
To create an entirely new Organization, click Add New Organization at the top of the page.
Managing User Roles
The Manage Organization and Workspaces Dashboard allows you manage user membership and user roles across all Workspaces.
Users can be members of only one Workspace, all Workspaces, or any combination of Workspaces that suit your Organization's needs. A user can also have different roles in different Workspaces; for instance, a user might be an Admin of Workspace A, be a Member in Workspace B, and need only Observer access to Workspace C.
Note: The only exception to this rule is the Owner role -- an Owner of an Organization will also own all the Workspaces in it. Downgrading an Owner to another role in one Workspace will downgrade them in all other Workspaces.
Add an existing user to another Workspace in your Organization
- Find the user’s row in the table.
- In that user's row, click Add as… to get a drop-drown menu under the Workspace you'd like to add the user to, then choose their user role for that Workspace.
Change a user’s role in a Workspace
- Find the user’s row in the table.
- In that user's row, click the role (Owner, Admin or Member) drop-drown menu under the desired Workspace, then choose a different role.
Free plan accounts only have access to the Admin user role. For access to Member and Observer roles, please consider upgrading to a paid plan.
Remove a user's membership in a Workspace
- Find the user’s row in the table.
- In that user's row, click the trashcan icon (Disable user in this workspace.) next to their role under the desired Workspace.
- Their user role will turn grey and say Disabled
Re-enable a user's membership in a Workspace
- Find the user’s row in the table.
- In that user's row, click the Enable button under the desired Workspace.
Removing Users from your Organization
A user can only be removed from an entire Organization after they have been disabled in every Workspace.
- Note: This action can only be performed by an Organization Owner.
- Once you've disabled the user in every Workspace, click the trashcan icon next to their name. The mouse-over a message will appear that says: Remove from the Organization
- A pop-up message will appear in the lower right corner confirming that the user was removed from the Organization.
Re-enable users who've been removed from your Organization
- Note: Only an Organization Owner can re-enable a removed user.
- Uncheck the Hide Removed Users box to view all removed users.
- When the removed users appear, find the user you’d like to re-enable in the table.
- Click the Recycle icon next to their name. You’ll then see a confirmation message that says: “This user is now eligible to be re-invited to a Workspace through that Workspace's invite Settings screen.”
Inviting New Users
To invite new users to a specific Workspace inside the Manage Organization and Workspaces Dashboard, click the Invite button next to the Workspace name.
In the Invite dialogue, you’ll be able to enter the email address(es) and choose the desired user role. Click Send Invitations when you’re done.
Free plan accounts can only invite new users as Admins. For access to invite users as Members or Observers, please consider upgrading to a paid plan.
We understand that from time to time, folks have their reasons and may need to delete a Workspace or an entire Organization. Here's a handy guide on how to take advantage of our new self-service options, all within Shortcut.
Note: You must be the Workspace Owner to perform this action.
Deleting a Workspace
To delete a Workspace, first make sure that you have manually backed up, copied, or saved any relevant information from this Workspace.
- Head to your Organization Dashboard.
- Look for the button to Manage Organization and Workspaces within your desired Workspace.
- Use the trashcan icon to move the Workspace to a disabled state.
- If necessary, uncheck the option to "Hide Disabled Workspaces".
- Use the newly appeared red trashcan to delete your Workspace permanently.
- Note: This action deletes your Workspace. Please make sure that your data is secured before deleting your Workspace.
- Type to confirm the name of the Workspace being deleted. This is case sensitive.
- The Workspace will now begin to be deleted, showing you a "Locked" Workspace as the deletion script completes.
- Refresh the page and observe the Workspace has been deleted.
Deleting an Organization
To delete an Organization, first make sure that you have manually backed up, copied, or saved any relevant information from this Organization or any of its containing Workspaces.
Note: You must be the Organization Owner to perform this action.
- Head to your Organization Dashboard.
- Look for the button to Manage Organization and Workspaces within your desired Organization.
- Use the red button in the corner marked Disable Organization to start the process.
- Confirm with the popup that you do indeed want to disable the Organization.
- Once the disable sequence finishes, observe and use the red Delete this Organization button.
- Type the name of the Organization to confirm that you are requesting a permanent deletion of your Organization. Note: this is case sensitive.
- Once confirmed, allow the system a moment to finish up deleting your Organization and you will be automatically placed back at your Organization Dashboard (ready to start fresh with a new Organization, we hope).