Stories are the standard unit of work in Shortcut. Stories are where collaboration and documentation for said unit of work happen. Stories can have a set of metadata that makes them unique. You can assign Owners to a Story; add Followers, so they may be notified of the Story's progress; add attachments (from images to executables), Labels, and more.
Each Story has a Comments section for open collaboration. Comments in Stories support markdown and file attachments (Comments' attachments are separate from the Story's attachments).
There are 3 types of stories in Shortcut: Features, Bugs, and Chores.
- Features are enhancements to the product.
- Bugs are issues that disrupt the usability of the product.
- Chores are any work that has to be completed but does not quite fall within the aforementioned types.
You can access the Stories page by selecting Stories in the Shortcut sidebar menu.