Managing Your Billing Details

An Organization's Owner can view or change their Organization's subscription plan, review their billing email, and add or edit the Organization's credit card by going to Settings > Workspace Settings > Billing

  • Here you'll see your overview, and have the option to edit or adjust any of your plan settings.

    If your Organization requires additional information on Shortcut invoices, such as your company’s billing address and/or VAT, you can specify both by going to Settings > Billing > Settings and adding the information under Additional Billing Information. Once you’ve added your Organization’s address or VAT ID, be sure to click on Update Billing Information to save it.

    G Suite Users: If you're using an alias like "accounting@" or "billing@" in Google G Suite to forward receipts or invoices and your team isn't receiving those emails, it may be due to the group's permission settings.

    To correct this, ask your G Suite Admin to change the group's permissions to Post: Anyone on the web. For more information about how to manage G Suite Groups, see Google's help documentation
  • If you want to switch your plan type, you have the option to pay monthly or annually (at a discount). You can adjust these at any time from within your settings.
  • By default, an Organization’s Owners are the primary billing contact and receive monthly receipt emails. If you need a non-Shortcut user (like your Finance Team) to get confirmations of your paid invoices, you can designate another billing contact by adding their email address in the Email tab of the Billing menu.

    Once this has been updated, both the new designated billing contact and the Organization Owner will receive billing and payment notifications.

    For security and privacy reasons, only an Organization Owner and their designated billing contact can request and receive billing-related information about an Organization.

  • To add or update your credit card information, click on the Card tab in the Billing menu. If this is your first time adding a card, fill out the form with your information and click Add Card. To update an existing card, fill out the form and click Update Card.
  • Click on this tab to view a history of invoices generated for this account. The status of the invoice is displayed here, as well as the ability to download a PDF copy to your computer by clicking on the Download button next to an invoice.

    Due to the sensitive nature of these documents, we currently only allow Owners to obtain copies of invoices. If you are not an Owner and need access to invoices, please consult with the Organization's Owner to obtain a copy of the invoice record(s).


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