Importing and Exporting Shortcut Data

We know your data needs to move with you, from Shortcut and into Shortcut, to keep up with the speed of success within your team. To help, we've created several ways that you can both import and export data from and to Shortcut.

Importing Data

Are you looking to bring data into Shortcut? We have several options to make the process as painless as possible for your team - you can use our importers for either Jira or Trello, import by providing our friendly Support team a CSV file, or even utilize our API v3 to add data directly into your Shortcut instance.

  • Moving to Shortcut from Trello? Bring your team and data over easily by letting us assist. Our automatic importer was made here in-house to help our users move their most valuable work into Shortcut where you and your team can pick up conversations exactly where you left off.

    Ready to begin? See our Trello Import installation article for detailed information and a handy video guide
  • Our Jira importer was made here in-house to help our users fully move their Jira projects into Shortcut where you and your team can pick up conversations exactly where you left off. Get started now with the Import Data from Jira Guide.

    Alternatively, not quite ready to move off Jira yet? Give our Jira Sync tool a try! With this tool, you can sync your Jira workspace in real-time in order to better trial Shortcut. Check our Jira Sync Guide.
  • Export your data from your existing Tool to CSV, and enter this into a CSV file for Shortcut to import!

    Check out our CSV import guide on how to start the CSV import process.
  • Looking for a more advanced way to bring your data into Shortcut? Our REST API (v3) can help!

    Check out our API documentation here for creating Stories, Epics, Objectives, Projects, Groups and more, as well as other helpful functionality.

Exporting Data

Shortcut works best when it integrates into the tools your team uses the most. For teams looking to build out powerful custom reporting, automated workflows, or create backups of their data, we offer the convenience of exporting your data in either CSV or JSON in many places around Shortcut. 

CSV Exports

Look for the "Export as CSV" prompt to export all of the Stories from a single Workspace, Iteration, Epic, Label, or Project.

  • If seeking to export a CSV of a specific set of Stories, such as from an Epic, Iteration, or Label for example, that Export as CSV option is located in the top right of the Stories Table.

  • To export a filtered Space on the new Stories page, the Export option is under dropdown next to the Save action

All exports include the following information about each Story: 

Column Description
id Story ID
name Story Name
type  Story Type
requester Story Requester
owners A list of Story Owners if assigned
description Story Description
is_completed True if the Story is in a Completed state
created_at The date and time the Story was created
started_at The date and time the Story was moved to a Started state
updated_at The date and time of the last update to the Story
moved_at The date and time that the Story last changed states
completed_at The date and time the Story was moved to a Completed state
estimate Estimate points for the Story, if assigned
external_ticket_count Number of attached external tickets
external_tickets The URLs of the attached external tickets
is_blocked True if the Story is blocked by another Story
is_a_blocker True if the Story blocks another Story
due_date The due date of the Story
labels List of Labels applied to the Story. *Note* These are only Story Labels. Epic Labels will not be displayed in this list.
epic_labels List of Epic Labels for the Epic a Story is associated with.

List of Tasks in a Story. Completion is marked with an X and the task owner (if assigned) is included.

state Workflow state of the Story when the download was initiated
epic_id ID of Epic the Story is in (if any)
epic Epic Name
epic_label Epic labels linked to the story
project_id ID of the Project the Story is in
project Project Name
iteration_id ID of the Iteration that the Story belongs to , if it belongs to one
iteration Name of the Iteration that the Story belongs to, if it belongs to one
utc_offset The user's UTC offset which affects the times displayed (this is different than the Organization UTC offset) 
epic_state Workflow State of the Epic
epic_is_archived True if the Epic has been archived
epic_started_at The date and time the Epic was moved to a Started state
epic_due_date The due date of the Epic
epic_created_at The date and time the Epic was created
objective_id ID of the Objective
objective Name of the Objective
objective_state Workflow State of the Objective
objective_created_at The date and time the Objective was created
objective_started_at The date and time the Objective was moved to a Started state
objective_due_date The due date of the Objective


The categories created an Objective


The Start Date set for an Epic


The name of the Workflow that a Story is in


Public ID of the Story's Workflow


The Priority Field values associated with a Story 


The Severity Field values associated with a Story


The Product Area Field values associated with a Story


The Skill Set Field values associated with a Story


The Technical Area Field values associated with a Story


The Advanced Custom Field Values associated with a Story

We do not support exporting Docs in the UI or via the API, nor are Story comments and attached files included as part of the CSV at this time. If seeking to gather comments or file data, see our API Tips, Tricks, & Workarounds.

JSON Exports

You can use the Shortcut Exporter to export all of your Shortcut organization data to JSON files, which you can use to transfer your data to another system, maintain backups, or simply for data analysis.

  1. Download and install cURL (if you don't have it already). 
  2. Navigate to Settings > My Account > API Tokens in Shortcut and generate an environment-specific token.
  3. Download the Shortcut Exporter shell script here. Be sure to use the correct script for your operating system.
  4. In your command line interface, set your API token as an environment variable.
  5. Run the Exporter script in your command line interface. 

Please note the exporter does not include full entities for Story descriptions, comments, branches, commits, files, linked-files, and Tasks. To obtain these full entities, including Story descriptions, use our API's Get Story endpoint in subsequent requests.


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