Working with an Epic

Epic Detail Page

Following an Epic

Following an Epic allows users to keep up to date to any changes to the Epic or the Stories within it.

How to Follow An Epic

  1. Click on "Epics" in the Shortcut sidebar menu under "All Work" or the Team Navigation of your choice

  2. Select the Epic you'd like to follow from the Epics Page
  3. Click on the Follow button of the Epic you wish to follow using the sidebar menu on the right.

Epic Follow

How to Add Followers to An Epic

  1. Click on "Epics" in the Shortcut sidebar menu under "All Work" or the Team Navigation of your choice

  2. Select the Epic you'd like to follow from the Epics Page

  3. Open the "Followers" dropdown menu from the sidebar menu on the right

Archiving an Epic

Archiving is for completed epics as well as Epics that your team has decided they no longer want to pursue. Note: Stories within Archived Epics will no longer be included in Reports and will not be visible on the Stories Page.

Archiving an Epic

  1. Click on "Epics" in the Shortcut sidebar menu under "All Work" or the Team Navigation of your choice
  2. Select the Epic you'd like to Archive from the Epics Page
  3. Click on the ellipses (...) at the top-right of the page
  4. Select "Archive Epic" then click "Archive Epic" in the pop-up dialog box

If you do not wish to see them on the Epics page, you can toggle the "Show Archived" option on the top of the Epics Page.

How to Unarchive an Epic

  1. Click on "Epics" in the Shortcut sidebar menu under "All Work" or the Team Navigation of your choice
  2. Select the Epic you'd like to Unarchive from the Epics Page
  3. Click on the ellipses (...) at the top-right of the page
  4. Select "Unarchive Epic"

Stories within Archived Epics will continue to be associated with those Epics.

Deleting an Epic

  1. Click on "Epics" in the Shortcut sidebar menu under "All Work" or the Team Navigation of your choice
  2. Open the Epic you'd like to delete from the Epics Page
  3. Click on the ellipses (...) at the top-right of the page
  4. Select "Delete Epic" then click "Delete Epic" in the pop-up dialog box

Deleting an Epic


Doc Relationships

  1. Select the Epic you wish to link a Doc to
  2. Click the "Add Doc" option under the Docs table
  3. Search for the Doc you would like to link or create one
  4. Choose the Doc and it will be added as a relationship on the Epic detail page
      • Note: Linking from an Epic will create a Relationship in the Doc as well

Epic and Doc Relationships



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