Using Google Drive

Attaching a Google Drive file to a Shortcut Story: 

  1. Click the Attach Files button in your Story.

  2. Select Google Drive from the list. 

  3. If this is your first time attaching a Google Drive file, you will be prompted to grant the app authorization.

  4. Select your file from your Google Drive

  5. Your file will now be attached.

Disconnecting Google Drive from your Shortcut

To disconnect, follow these steps:

    1. Go to your Google Drive settings.

    2. Select Manage Apps.

    3. Find Shortcut in the list, select Options, and then press Disconnect from Drive.

Enabling and Disabling the Google Drive Integration in Shortcut

The Google Drive integration can be enabled or disabled via the Integration Status toggle in Shortcut Settings > Integrations > Google Drive.


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