An Organization is a collection of Workspaces. Organizations are independent of each other. You can have multiple Organizations, and you will be billed according to the collective user count in each Organization.
Creating a New Organization
If you’d like to add a new, separate Organization, you can do so by clicking Add New Organization from within your Organization and Workspace Management (top left icon).
You’ll be taken to a screen where you’ll see a message stating that you’re creating a new Organization.
Note: This is a good way to confirm that you actually want to create a new, independent Organization; if you’re trying to create a new Workspace under an existing Organization, go back and select Add Workspace to Organization instead.
Once you’ve named your Organization and selected a URL for it, click Finish to create it. Shortcut will also simultaneously create a Workspace with the same name, and you’ll be taken there to take the product tour or start your work.
Renaming Your Organization
If you're an Owner and you’d like to rename your Organization, go to the Manage Organization and Workspaces Dashboard (click on your company's logo, then click on View All Workspaces). Once there, select Manage Organization and Workspaces.
Once there, click on the pencil icon next to the Organization name (found above the Filter Users field), update the name, and then press ENTER.
Note: Renaming your Organization won't change its URL slug. If you need to change your Organization's URL and you're an Owner, contact our support team. Support will confirm that the new URL is available and update it for you.
If you're an Owner and you’d like to disable an entire Organization and its Workspaces, go to the Manage Organization and Workspaces Dashboard (click on your company's logo then click on View All Workspaces). Once there, select Manage Organization and Workspaces.
To disable your Organization, click the red Disable Organization button in the upper right-hand corner.
You’ll see a confirmation screen stating: "Are you sure you want to disable this Organization? All Workspaces will also become disabled." Confirm by pressing OK.
A pop-up message will appear in the lower right corner confirming that the Organization has been disabled, and you'll see the information in the Dashboard turn black. To delete the Organization, please contact support.
We understand that from time to time, folks have their reasons and may need to delete a Workspace or an entire Organization. Here's a handy guide on how to take advantage of our new self-service options, all within Shortcut.
Note: You must be the Workspace Owner to perform this action.
Deleting a Workspace
To delete a Workspace, first make sure that you have manually backed up, copied, or saved any relevant information from this Workspace.
- Head to your Organization Dashboard.
- Look for the button to Manage Organization and Workspaces within your desired Workspace.
- Use the trashcan icon to move the Workspace to a disabled state.
- If necessary, uncheck the option to "Hide Disabled Workspaces".
- Use the newly appeared red trashcan to delete your Workspace permanently.
- Note: This action deletes your Workspace. Please make sure that your data is secured before deleting your Workspace.
- Type to confirm the name of the Workspace being deleted. This is case sensitive.
- The Workspace will now begin to be deleted, showing you a "Locked" Workspace as the deletion script completes.
- Refresh the page and observe the Workspace has been deleted.
Deleting an Organization
To delete an Organization, first make sure that you have manually backed up, copied, or saved any relevant information from this Organization or any of its containing Workspaces.
Note: You must be the Organization Owner to perform this action.
- Head to your Organization Dashboard.
- Look for the button to Manage Organization and Workspaces within your desired Organization.
- Use the red button in the corner marked Disable Organization to start the process.
- Confirm with the popup that you do indeed want to disable the Organization.
- Once the disable sequence finishes, observe and use the red Delete this Organization button.
- Type the name of the Organization to confirm that you are requesting a permanent deletion of your Organization. Note: this is case sensitive.
- Once confirmed, allow the system a moment to finish up deleting your Organization and you will be automatically placed back at your Organization Dashboard (ready to start fresh with a new Organization, we hope).